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Generates two subsets of data based on for both complete and partial exclusion datasets for both yi and Zr estimates.





a ManyEcoEvo dataframe containing formatted raw data, formatted diversity_data, the estimate_type, and dataset


A ManyEcoEvo dataframe with added column exclusion_set with new subsets of data and diversity_data


To be executed on a ManyEcoEvo dataframe after the compute_MA_inputs() function. This function generates two subsets of data based on the peer review ratings for both complete and partial exclusion datasets for both yi and Zr estimates. The subsets are generated based on the PublishableAsIs column in the data list-column. The subsets are named data_flawed and data_flawed_major and are created by filtering out the data points with the PublishableAsIs values of "deeply flawed and unpublishable" and "publishable with major revision" respectively. The diversity_data list-column is also updated to reflect the new subsets of data.