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#> Loading required package: rmarkdown
#> Loading required package: bookdown
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'parsnip':
#>   method          from 
#>   print.nullmodel vegan
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'lava':
#>   method         from    
#>   print.estimate EnvStats

Briefly describe what analyses we implemented, sending reader to the Gould et al. paper. and pointing out what functions correspond to which analyses.

You could theoretically write your own function for this, but the functions packaged here allow you to implement our specific meta-analyses.

1 Analysis

1.1 Meta-analysis

1.2 Univariate analyses

2 Extracting model results

2.1 Model Checking

2.2 Heterogeneity statistics

2.3 Forest Plots

2.4 Specification Curves