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Fit a multivariate meta-regression model that models the effect of peer-review ratings on the deviation from the meta-analytic mean (both continuous and categorical ratings), mean Sorensen's index, and/or whether the analysis uses a mixed effects model, or not.


fit_multivar_MA(data_tbl, N = 5, ..., env = rlang::caller_env())



Data for model fitting


threshold for the number of analyses that must have been conducted using mixed effects models to include the binary predictor mixed_model in the meta-regression. Defaults to 5.


Additional arguments passed to lme4::lmer


Environment in which to evaluate the formula, defaults to the calling environment


An object of class lmer.


Depending on whether enough analyses in data_tbl have been conducted with the mixed_model variable, the function will fit a model with or without the predictor mixed_model.

Expects the following columns in data_tbl:

  • RateAnalysis: continuous peer-review ratings

  • PublishableAsIs: categorical peer-review ratings

  • mean_diversity_index: mean Sorensen's index

  • box_cox_abs_deviation_score_estimate: response variable, Box-Cox transformed deviation from the meta-analytic mean effect-size for each analysis

  • mixed_model: binary variable indicating whether the analysis used a mixed effects model or not

  • ReviewerId: reviewer identifier

  • one of study_id or id_col to uniquely identify each analysis for checking that the threshold N is met.