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Removes infinite and NA values from a dataframe of standardised effects


rm_inf_na(effects_analysis, Z_colname, VZ_colname)



A dataframe containing the standardised effects


unquoted or bare column name with the \(Z\) or \(Z_r\) estimates


unquoted or bare column name containing the \(VZ\) or \(\text{VZ}_r\) estimates


a dataframe without

See also

Other Utility functions: %nin%(), capwords(), named_group_split(), subset_fns_Zr(), subset_fns_yi()


ManyEcoEvo_results %>% 
pluck("effects_analysis", 1) %>% 
rm_inf_na(beta_estimate, beta_SE)
#> # A tibble: 131 × 50
#>    response_id       submission_id analysis_id split_id TeamIdentifier study_id 
#>    <chr>                     <dbl>       <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>          <chr>    
#>  1 R_126erjKKuN3IwSJ             2           2        1 Bega           Bega-2-2…
#>  2 R_126erjKKuN3IwSJ             2           2        2 Bega           Bega-2-2…
#>  3 R_126erjKKuN3IwSJ             1           1        1 Bega           Bega-1-1…
#>  4 R_126erjKKuN3IwSJ             1           1        2 Bega           Bega-1-1…
#>  5 R_12cozGev3IOOBG2             2           2        1 Bell           Bell-2-2…
#>  6 R_1CC5PPCXcQPgu42             1           1        1 Berr           Berr-1-1…
#>  7 R_1dzfML4yheLxG0D             1           1        1 Bruc           Bruc-1-1…
#>  8 R_1E099fIoICERZIZ             1           1        2 Burr           Burr-1-1…
#>  9 R_1E099fIoICERZIZ             1           1        1 Burr           Burr-1-1…
#> 10 R_1E099fIoICERZIZ             2           2        2 Burr           Burr-2-2…
#> # ℹ 121 more rows
#> # ℹ 44 more variables: beta_estimate <dbl>, contrast <chr>, adjusted_df <dbl>,
#> #   beta_SE <dbl>, transformation <chr>, link_function_reported <chr>,
#> #   dataset <chr>, mixed_model <dbl>,
#> #   response_transformation_description <chr>,
#> #   response_transformation_status <chr>, response_variable_type <chr>,
#> #   response_construction_description <chr>, response_variable_name <chr>, …