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Assign back-transformation type to be applied to analysts' point-estimates


  response_transformation = character(1L),
  link_fun = character(1L)



Character vector of length 1L containing the analysis response transformation


Character vector of length 1L containing the analysis link function


A character vector of length 1L containing the back-transformation type to be applied to the analysts' point-estimates. Is either "identity", "double_transformation", or the value of link_fun or response_transformation, or NA, if an appropriate transformation type cannot be assigned.


Based on the response transformation and link function, the function assigns the back-transformation type to be applied to the analysts' point-estimates. The function and assigns the identity transformation if the effects were reported on the link-scale and the estimates are already back-transformed the original response variable prior to modelling. When either of these cases is not true for a given analysis, the function returns the value of the link_fun or response_transformation argument. When an analysis has been reported on the link-scale and the analyst transformed the response variable prior to modelling, the function assigns the "double-transformation" value for that analysis. When the response_transformation and link_fun arguments are missing, the function assigns the "identity" value to the analysis, assuming that NA values are equivalent to the identity transformation.

See also

prepare_response_variables_yi(), standardise_response(). To be called prior to clean_response_transformation().

Other Back-transformation: back, back_transform_response_vars_yi(), clean_response_transformation(), conversion(), conversion_2(), convert_predictions(), rename_prediction_cols()